Bridget Saraka Call 306 249 2064, Text Cell 306 261 2148

About Bridget Saraka

Hello, Thank you for sharing space with me. I hope you have enjoyed your time here. If you have any Feng Shui + Lifestyle Questions or Comments please give me a call @ 306 249 2064 or email me at I look forward to hearing from you. B♥
Thank you for sharing the love. B♥

Feng Shui DIY Spring Front Door Wreath

2019-03-24T02:34:01+00:00By |

Feng Shui DIY Front Door Wreath

I’m celebrating the spring equinox by hanging a new DIY wreath on our front door to celebrate new beginnings and the blooming of things to come.

Can you tell I’m in love with faux white roses? They symbolize purity and clarity to me.

Traditionally wreaths are a circle representing unity. (Isn’t an oval just an elongated circle?) In […]

DIY Vintage Headboard to Over the Sofa Artwork

2019-02-27T04:14:49+00:00By |

DIY Vintage Headboard to Over the Sofa Artwork

I literally squealed when I found this headboard at a thrift store for $10.00 (yes, I cleaned it and cleared it). It was a honey oak colour but I loved the detailing of the cane inlay and the raised edges. Although when I purchased it I had a different plan for it, I’m glad I listened to […]

Feng Shui DIY Front Porch Refresh

2019-03-23T23:10:46+00:00By |

Feng Shui DIY Front Porch Refresh

So, I’ve been working on another DIY this one for our front porch.

I wanted new house numbers for our home that suited our taste and style but removing the modern ones attached to the clear quartz was too risky. I’d be devastated if I damaged it! So I had a vision for a DIY that gives me the freedom to change the vignette throughout the seasons.

I’m truly over the moon […]


2019-02-27T04:04:54+00:00By |

Feng Shui Faux Flowers Versus Real

I only placed these dollar store flowers here for a minute but I think I want to keep them right where they are till spring. I won’t of course, I have a project for these. Yes, I blend real plants and flowers with faux and here’s my take on the subject.

As a seasoned professional I have a tendency to […]

DIY Vintage Wall Scones Redesign

2019-02-27T03:40:23+00:00By |

DIY Vintage Wall Sconces Redesign

It’s a long weekend here in Canada ?? and of course I’m working on a DIY or two. Thrifted all day yesterday at a Huge Flea Market with a couple of my lovely gal pals and then had an awesome sleepover with my girlie. Now going to flex some creative muscle.



My Love My Twin Flame

2019-02-27T03:11:53+00:00By |

My Love My Twin Flame

My Honey, I was 8 when we fist met, he 9. Sitting out on my front step he told me one day he loved me and was going to buy me a ring and marry me someday.

In grade 8, he in grade 9 asked me out on a date. He kissed me under the big Laurel Leaf Willow tree at […]

My Music Man

2019-02-27T02:40:34+00:00By |

My Music Man

My Honey’s a musician at ? so I’m trying to incorporate little touches of music in our vignettes.

Our first summer together we threw a single mattress in my minivan and travelled across the province making love and sweet music together. (I know, oversharing, but it’s an example of […]

DIY Sneak Peak Studio Makeover

2019-02-27T02:32:22+00:00By |

DIY Sneak Peak Studio Makeover

Sneak peek of one of this weekends Feng Shui Design DIY projects and there’s been many!!!

The weekends been full of late nights + early morning creative flow. I get like this often 3am is the witching hour they say which could be why I love it so much!!!

Everything in this vignette has been thrifted or a budget friendly option purchased […]

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