My Love My Twin Flame

My Honey, I was 8 when we fist met, he 9. Sitting out on my front step he told me one day he loved me and was going to buy me a ring and marry me someday.

In grade 8, he in grade 9 asked me out on a date. He kissed me under the big Laurel Leaf Willow tree at the end of my street. He walked me home promising to call me. He didn’t.

After a series of dreams of him I called him 20 years later to see if he was ok. I never thought in a million years I’d be guided to move across the country on Feb. 22, 2001. After being together for 16 years and raising our family together we got married in the fall of 2017.

He promised to love me and keep me safe. He continues to do so. He loves my woo woo and when I’m in a mood he calls me on my own b.s. (blind to spirit) moments.

This is what home feels like. A calling that reaches you over decades and continents. A magnetic pull that is to painful to ignore and the longing that ceases when he calls my name. The rest is history in the making and I’m in love with our journey and my Honey who makes it so exciting to be alive!