About Bridget Saraka

Hello, Thank you for sharing space with me. I hope you have enjoyed your time here. If you have any Feng Shui + Lifestyle Questions or Comments please give me a call @ 306 249 2064 or email me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you. B♥
Thank you for sharing the love. B♥

The Power of a Carefully, Intended, Curated Vignette

2019-04-26T01:18:13+00:00By |

The Power of a Carefully, Intended, Curated Vignette

Since my first beautiful and sweet granddaughter arrived almost 3 years ago ???? I’ve had a yearning to sprinkle bits of whimsy into each vignette that reminds me of my childhood and the joy I had spending time with my Grandfather.

I tuck a little something special into the most […]

To Introduce Florals into Your Decor or Not

2019-04-26T01:07:50+00:00By |

To Introduce Florals into Your Decor or Not

Do you love flowers + florals but resist introducing them to your decor because you think they’re too feminine for your honey?

This is my Honey’s corner in the living room, (I’m lucky cause he loves everything I do and never questions or grumbles about a vignettes.) I asked him if he felt his favourite spot was […]

Feng Shui Tips on Dealing with an Unsightly Cat Tree

2019-04-26T01:01:10+00:00By |

Must Love Cats! – Feng Shui Tips on Dealing with an Unsightly Cat Tree

Client “so what do I do with the cat tree?” This things the size of a love seat and sitting in front of the living room windows full of hair and shredded jute twine. You know the look.

I think before I speak. Thanking my mom for teaching me to do so. […]

Front Entryway Spring Refresh

2019-04-26T00:54:08+00:00By |

Front Entryway Spring Refresh

Our house is a skinny two story that’s only 20’ wide from outside corner to corner making it only 19’w on the inside. Although we love our home, the width makes it challenging to balance the Guas from side to side. The depth is not the problem; the width […]

China Cabinet Spring Refresh

2019-04-26T00:48:05+00:00By |

China Cabinet Spring Refresh

Hi, my name is Bridget and I’ve an addiction to thrifted, vintage China, milk glass, Ironstone, artwork…..well anything antique and shabby chic, boho and French Cottage Farmhouse ?!

I’m also a Feng Shui Expert who strives to balance the fine-line between curating carefully chosen treasures and curbing one’s hoarding tendencies.

It’s […]

Feng Shui Tips to Enhance Knowledge & Self-Cultivation

2019-04-03T15:57:06+00:00By |

Feng Shui Tips to Enhance Knowledge & Self-Cultivation

One of the most overlooked guas is Knowledge and Self- Cultivation Gua (front left 3rd when facing in from your architectural front door). Most people crave career satisfaction, long to attract a life partner or enhance their cash flow so they’ll only call or look at enhancing the guas associated with those life areas. But….and it’s a […]

Feng Shui Entryway Spring Redesign

2019-03-24T04:33:11+00:00By |

Feng Shui Entryway Spring Redesign

Oh my, the sun was out all weekend with the temperature at 3 degrees Celsius. The promise of spring is in the air and I felt moved to redesign the vignettes in our entryway which falls in The Helpful People and Travel Gua which is associated to the metal element and the colors of white, grey, silver, gold, bronze, copper […]

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