About Bridget Saraka

Hello, Thank you for sharing space with me. I hope you have enjoyed your time here. If you have any Feng Shui + Lifestyle Questions or Comments please give me a call @ 306 249 2064 or email me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you. B♥
Thank you for sharing the love. B♥

Feng Shui Design Inspiration

2019-09-24T13:05:59+00:00By |

Feng Shui Design Inspiration

Where does your Feng Shui Design Inspiration come from?

My girlfriend, who started as a client my first year in business and I were discussing style changes when I was helping her move recently.

“It’s crazy how your design style shifted once you moved.” She said

“Crazy.” I giggled as we shift her decor from cottage beachy to modern shabby chic.

“What […]

DIY – Adding character to Open Stair Risers

2019-06-20T15:12:16+00:00By |

DIY – Adding character to Open Stair Risers

When we moved into our home 2.5 years ago, I knew I needed and wanted to close the open stair risers on our front porch. Visually they were unappealing, energetically they felt choppy and uninviting and from a Feng Shui perspective open rises let all the juice energy the universe has to offer us bleed […]

DIY Painted Upholstery on a $20.00 Thrifted Vintage Sofa

2019-05-29T18:57:59+00:00By |

DIY Painted Upholstery on a $20.00 Thrifted Vintage Sofa

It was love at first sight! I fell for her curves, detailed legs and tufted back. It was easy to look beyond what some would see as flaws. I simply saw all her character and that all she needed was a little loving. So I sat myself down on her dirty and stained cushions […]

06 Feng Shui Designs Solutions for a Bathroom in the Wealth & Prosperity Gua

2019-05-03T22:32:06+00:00By |

06 Feng Shui Desing Solutions for a Bathroom in the Wealth & Prosperity Gua

So you’ve read somewhere that a bathroom in your Wealth and Prosperity Gua is bad Feng Shui! I’m here to help transform what could potentially be a cash flow problem to something that is an asset rather than a liability.

From a Feng Shui Perspective, water is considered to represent […]

Feng Shui Front Porch Refresh

2019-04-26T01:59:15+00:00By |

Feng Shui Front Porch Refresh

When it comes to enhancing the exterior of our front entryways, we tend to breeze through spring as it’s often a short transitional season. I’ve been guilty of this as well focusing more on fall, Christmas and summer Feng Shui decor. But this year I’ve been inspired to infuse our space with a lot of spring love. I’m not doing […]

Feng Shui Home Numbers Myth Buster

2019-04-26T01:54:09+00:00By |

Feng Shui Home Numbers Myth Buster

“Did you see that Bridget Saraka of Feng Shui by Bridget put her house numbers vertical? And she calls herself an expert!!!! Oh, and look at all those 4s! Doesn’t she know anything!!!!!!”

Yes, yes I do call myself an expert and yes I see all our 4s, and my passion is busting common Feng Shui Myths and modelling how […]

Feng Shui and the Numerology of  Your Home

2019-04-26T01:41:41+00:00By |

Feng Shui and the Numerology of  Your Home

It’s a fun little exercise that looks at the vibrational number value of your address, particularly your house numbers.

Here’s how it works;

You simply add each digit to get a single digit. For example 442 becomes
4 + 4 + 2 = 10 = 1

If after adding each digit you end up with double digits such as this; for […]

Feng Shui + Why the Wealth & Prosperity Gua May Not be the end-all-be-all to Attracting Abundance

2019-04-26T01:30:43+00:00By |

Feng Shui + Why the Wealth & Prosperity Gua May Not be the end-all-be-all to Attracting Abundance

One of the most overlooked guas is Knowledge and Self- Cultivation (front left 3rd when facing in from your architectural front door). Most people crave career satisfaction, long to attract a life partner or enhance their cash flow so they’ll only call or look at enhancing the […]

Center Piece Spring Refresh

2019-04-26T01:23:21+00:00By |

Center Piece Spring Refresh

When it comes to centrepieces or tablescapes I like to change things up seasonal, and of course, I do my best to;

1. Set my intention
2. Make sure it is elementally balanced

Here’s my process;

1. I like to use a tray for grounding the vignette. I prefer to use a tray […]

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