05 Feng Shui Remedies for a Fireplace in the Wealth & Prosperity Gua

Do you think the placement of your fireplace is causing you to burn through cash? Don’t despair. I’ve 5 Feng Shui Remedies for a Fireplace in a Wealth and Prosperity Gua that you can implement today.

Here’s my no Fear Shui Approach to Sustaining Your Cash Flow

1. Control the burn by hanging a large sized mirror above the mantel. Mirrors represent the water element needed to dows the fire and nurture the growth of abundance found in the wood element. Choose a framed mirror that suits your design taste and style and remember that scale is important. You don’t want something that is either too small nor too big for your space. You also want to be mindful of what the mirror will be reflecting. So if the placement of a mirror above your fireplace mantel will be reflecting the dirty dishes, you may want to opt for #2. You don’t want to compound the challenge by attracting dirty money.

2.  In addition to, or in place of a mirror hang ,a beautiful piece of artwork that is either of a lush, landscape, waterscape (watch the flow of the waterscape, you’ll want to make sure the direction of the water is flowing into the room, not out a window or a door) floral bouquet, gallery wall of botanical or imagery that depicts opulence and abundance to you. Artwork in jewel tones can bring a powerful boost of energy to help attract hidden opportunities and increased growth.

3. Choose mirror and artwork frames that feel rich in colour and shape. Ornate frames with soft rounded edges bring flow and movement to design features that can sometimes feel otherwise ridged and hard. Gold frames and silver frames can feel regal.

4. Ideally, flanking the fireplace with a variety of 4 healthy floor and or tabletop plants and or flowers introduces the much-needed wood element associated with the Wealth and Prosperity Gua. Although there are several plants and or flowers often considered as good Feng Shui money plants, I simply believe that any plants or flowers either faux or real with rounded leaves that are clean and or healthy that you love will enrich this gua.

5. Anchor your intentions by placing a good sized piece of Amethyst to attract and hold money, money, money.

Be clear on your intentions; write them down, voice them, visualize them.

Download a copy of The Living Love Manifesto to help you clarify your heartfelt abundance desires.

On a final note, it’s equally important to assure that the entire room that falls in The Wealth and Prosperity Gua is equally balanced to support sustainable abundance as well. Every design feature from the flooring, wall colour and windowing coverings can either be an assist or a liability. For best results reach out. I’ll be happy to work with you in creating a space that rich in Feng Shui design.

Call me. Let’s Talk 306 249 2064

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