Feng Shui Career Tips

The Feng Shui Career Gua represents life’s path, the river of which we travel in our personal and career experiences. Many of us struggle with defining who we are with what we do and misplace our identity in the process. The First question often asked during introductions is, “what do you do?” Many labels we attach to our self-worth leave an unquenchable thirst for our unique express.

Feng Shui has the potential to help fine tune and reduce the static of that internal dialogue. In a quest for seeking ground we pollute the very environment in which sustains us. Abandoning items collected like trophies in a game of monopoly we quickly discard them while becoming frustrated wondering why we continue to feel stuck. From our macro to our micro environments we create signs and symbols that echo and churn the toxic waste of our emotions. Feng Shui understands that everything carries a memory attachment, a voice that speaks to the subconscious mind and confirms a misaligned self-perception.

In Feng Shui the Career Gua resonates to the Water Element. Water represents our emotions the conducting fluid of manifestation. Water it is reflective, mysterious. When balanced we learn to navigate the undercurrents, begin to trust and go with the flow while experiencing profound, successful, possibilities. Out of balance water is powerful and can erode the earth, flood cities, cause illness, while creating emotional turmoil. The Element of Water relates to the sense of Hearing. The gentle caressing of the shore, the joyful trickling of a table-top water feature can reminds us to stop, breathe and listen.

The Career Gua is thought to correlate to the 3rd Chakra that of the solar plexus, will center the place in which emotions are digested. When monitoring the bodies reaction to experiences, thoughts and feelings we, “listen to our gut instincts”. Emotions become the compass and ultimately the direction followed. Are we frantically shooting the rapids, paddling up stream to the point of exhaustion, or have we set our sights and relaxed the grip while letting the river carry us effortlessly?

Feng Shui is a remarkable complimentary, holistic modality that when applied, physical and emotional obstacles release to promote profound transformations. Occasionally what we think we want and what we need for change manifest in ways we would not have expected and in retrospection is exactly what was required for our forward motion.

When seeking clarity in career and or life direction, desire for a change in job or transitioning from one path to another, enhancing the Career Gua can help shift the course of direction.

Introduce a water feature such as a bubbler, or water fountain. Artwork of bodies of water, calm lakes, gentle rivers, mirrors, pictures with undulating shapes and gentle curves. Figurines of musicians and dancers. Items in deep dark, rich colours of black, navy blue, burgundy, chocolate and or slate. Beautiful glass vases and bowls. A pot of Geraniums or Patchouli candles to instil a sense of calm and clarity of direction. Affirmations that spark a strong positive, passionate emotional response.

We are often passionate about our negative experiences; share it with whoever will listen, regurgitate it and wonder why we keep having the same experiences. Feng Shui asks us to stop being passive with our desires and start becoming passionately proactive in our journeys. Turn off the adrenaline by removing the triggers and let the river take you there. You will begin to dream and find yourself bubbling up with joy.

“Your passion is your compass”. – Roger Hamilton author of “Wink a Modern Day Parable of Wealth beyond Words”