Six Feng Shui Back to School Tips to Live by

Back to School

Summer’s been all about fun loving, carefree, easy-going romp in life. Back to school can add a little bit of drama as the excitement of seeing old friends and meeting new teachers can increase some anxiety. To reduce some of the back to school jitters, it may be best to do a little overhaul of your little ones bedroom to edit some of the business of playful days.

6     Elementary Tips

  1. Create a place for doing homework that is away from the TV and social rooms in the house.
  2. When homework is completed put books and materials back in the backpack and set by the door for the next day.
  3. Avoid keeping homework in the bedroom as it can keep the mind active and for those children who have learning challenges and do not like school may contribute to unnecessary increased anxiety.
  4. If it’s still daylight when it’s bedtime, hanging a blackout blind or curtain over the window will make it feel more like a time for rest then a time for jumping on the trampoline.
  5. Setting up a routine of putting toys away before bed will help your child’s mind calm down and reduce the temptation to tinker.
  6. Setting out the next day’s school clothes will reduce early morning dilemmas and help keep what can be hectic mornings on track.

Back to school should be fun! So step back into the routine comfortably and easily.