Feng Shui Condo Living Quandary
What is on the other side of the wall matters!
Last evenings “Feng Shui Your Life” presentations participants asked a couple of interesting questions regarding condo and townhouse living.
- Does the energy of the previous home owners of the next townhouse affect my personal chi?
A Answer is yes.
- Can what is on the opposite wall of my condo affect my sleeping?
A From a Feng Shui perspective yes.
- Why you might ask?
A Answer
As the first principle belief of Feng Shui is that everything is alive and connected and therefore affects our mind, body and spirit. You can try to deny it but answer me this, how can some places feel safe and comfortable while others make you want to run screaming in the other direction? How do smells trigger a memory and color evoke a mood? Everything has a frequency the more disruptive that energy the heavier it is and the more challenging it is to clear or shake. Environmental trauma leaves an energetic imprint in a space that if left unattended can build and create an interesting challenge.
So yes, what’s on the other side of your condo or townhouse walls can and often does affect your personal chi. From unsavory, unhealthy neighbors to big screen TV’s, laundry rooms, fireplaces, elevators and even outside mounted satellite dishes can influence your overall wellbeing.
A wonderfully delightful client who is very diligence and passionate about applying her Feng Shui enhancements called me up stating something had changed in her townhouse that was affecting her sleep. We had made many enhancements over the past few months with intentions of creating a healing environment for her daughter who had suffered a severe trauma a few years back. Enhancements in place her daughter quickly began to respond positively to the changes, with the transformation seemingly noticeable overnight.
When my client a very bright and cheerfully savvy Feng Shui believe called with this dilemma we immediately made arrangements for me to assess the situation. I felt that there had been a shift in the neighbours condo as on previous Feng Shui follow-ups there hadn’t been any recommendations for the master bedroom or any of the adjacent rooms that would have resulted in such a dramatic shift. Our previous focus had been on tweaking specific areas of the home with pure intentions that had received remarkable results.
Prior to my follow-up I sat in contemplation and visualization of the space, with dowsing rod in hand I asked a series of questions pertaining to geopathic stress, interference, Hartman and Curry Lines of which present with some intriguing details. Upon arrival to my clients gated community I assessed the macro environment for any visual changes while being in tune to my physical energy as I made my way to the door. What I noticed was a new installation of a satellite dish on the front entrance roof of the neighbour’s condo. The placement was in alignment with the master bedroom of both condos in direct line with the head of the master bed.
As a Feng Shui consultant I don’t like to directly state my theory, rather I prefer to ask questions to see if what the client answered matches what I’m feeling. As it turned out both my client and her boyfriend started having difficulty sleeping 2 weeks prior with the boyfriend having back pain and my client having anxiety and headaches. My dowsing rods in hand, I dowsed the room and found confirmation to my earlier findings that there was in fact energy disturbances in two locations along the adjoining wall of the other condo at the head of the master bed, in line with the new installed satellite dish. Curing these disturbances and recommending some further bedroom enhancements resulted in a quick release of both back pain and headaches as well as improved sleep.
Fortunately my client lives in an end unit of a row of townhouses which means she only has one side and one set of neighbors to contend with on an energetic level. Apartment and apartment style condos have an interesting energetic pattern as they are often sandwiched between 4 other units. The fact that condos and townhouses are often built as mirror images often means that you may think your only sleeping with your spouse, but from a Feng Shui perspective your sharing your personal space with a few more people than you realize.
I’m not saying that living in either of these types of dwellings isn’t good for you. What I am suggesting is to be mindful of how you feel in your space, and pay attention to any subtle to substantial changes in your overall well-being. It’s knowing where the root cause is that leads to the correct form of action to stabilize a disturbance of chi. If you notice yourself feeling drained and depleted start thinking outside the box.