Feng Shui and Geopathic Stress -FAQ’s

Geopathic translates to Earth-Dis-ease caused by stress, therefore geopathic stress is believed to have the potential to cause disease of Chi. Chi is energy otherwise known as the Universal Life Force Energy that resides in all things.

Geopathic Stress Lines are underwater currents either man-made or natural that flow under the earth that cross and create an electrical charge that may have the potential to be harmful to humans, animals and plant life. Geopathic Stress Lines flow much like the veins in our body, they may be present in random crisscrossing paths which may be caused by various earth conditions such as non-compatible soil and mineral combinations, underground mining tunnels, infrastructure and or trauma from earthquakes, etc.

Each geopathic stress line is believed to have a vast energy field, it is the core of the geopathic stress line that is believed to have the most powerful charge and therefore may have the most potential to cause less-than-excellent consequences on the life force energy of the beings residing on or near them. How volatile the charge is depends on the force of the underground current. There are many farmers who have lost cattle to death and or illness with no known cause that occur while at pasture on certain locations of land.

“We want to be able to look at the interaction between environment and illness.” – Dr. Leslie Crofford

Many humans are highly vulnerable to Geopathic Stress Lines; in combination with the electrical charge created by such geopathic stress lines, the water in our bodies react like two opposing magnets that force us away from the charge. Intuitively we may find ourselves instinctively avoiding specific locations in our homes and places of employment. Avoiding or moving away from such potential harmful locations is not always an option, therefore, compounding the effects with prolonged exposure.

Nature provides us many clues as to the probability of geopathic stress, such as trees with twisted, split and bending trunks, fields of grass and or crops that lay flat to the ground and will not stand strong. Other visual signs of geopathic stress are found in low pockets of land where surface water accumulates and becomes stagnant. Even our man-made structures provide us clues should we pay attention; such as cracked concrete foundations, often with signs of mineral calcification, driveways and sidewalks.

However disruptive geopathic stress can be natures a way of balancing the natural rhythms of the earth’s energies and therefore not all geopathic stress lines are harmful or disruptive to all life forms. Studies have shown that ants, termites, wasps, beetles and cats can be found basking and creating a home on geopathic stress, while asparagus, mushrooms, Oak trees and Elderberry trees thrive on the force fields of geopathic stress. So think twice before cutting down that big old tree, they may be providing a wonderful gift of protecting you from some of the effects that geopathic stress has on your well-being.

Although there are many theories on the causes of various physical, mental and emotional symptoms that affect our human experience there is really only one person you who can say what and how you feel in any given moment in any given area. And yes; we may have a predisposition based on our genetic make-up that lends itself to the potential of specific illnesses and conditions within our mind body experience.

However, why is it; there are certain triggers that fire up the dormant cell production or neurological transmutations that create a less-than-excellent health experience? Each of us has our own unique resonance and therefore, has our own capacity for coping and processing stress. Pay attention to how your body, mind experience relates to the environment you are exposed to and if you “feel” less-than-excellent, perhaps it’s time to do a little sleuthing. Do certain areas of our home and or place of business feel better than others? Is there a room or section of our home or place of employment that is neglected? If so perhaps you may be witnessing a sign of geopathic stress.

There are scientific studies that link geopathic stress to compromised immune systems in humans, dogs, horses, cattle, mice, pigs and birds. Stress causes dis-ease and disease is caused by a disruption in the natural order of the bodies chemistry and as a results leaves the body, mind, connection vulnerable to poor health stats, miscarriage, sudden infant death syndrome, autism, memory loss, weakness of auric field, MS, cancer, heart problems, anxiety, depression, mental illnesses, insomnia just to name a few.

Looking to nature often provides us many mirrors of non-beneficial chi for instance; when vegetation such as roses, sunflowers, azaleas, lilies, cucumbers and onions fail to thrive and fruit bearing and flowering trees and shrubs fail to produce flowers and fruit, this may be a strong sign should we care to pay attention, that the environment may be not be in a state of supporting our optimum well-being.

Is your environment providing you optimum comfort and safety?

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