9 Feng Shui Tips for Back to School
It used to be that August marked the time of loose leaf paper, 3 ring binders and the smell of sharpened Laurentian pencil crayons. The first day of school raised a combination of belly-butterflies and animated imaginations. Who would be your teacher/teachers? What had so-and-so been up to all summer? “Wow! Did you see………mmmm? Are they still going out with…hummm?” You knew everyone and like-it-or-not they thought they knew you. Everything was familiar. You longed to be done, graduated and on your way.
You’ve worked hard to get from 14-19 in a heartbeat. Now here you are in a strange place and nobody knows your name. The subtle things you took for-granted are gone. The smells, the sounds, the faces. You’re in a new place. Your discomfort isn’t from breaking in a new pair of shoes.
It’s growing pains and you will survive with these 9 “Easy A Feng Shui Tips”.
Why didn’t anyone tell you you’d be feeling, lost, alone, tired, weary, stressed and oh so homesick for your mom’s/dad’s nagging commentary and favorite “I’m not feeling well treatment?’ Because you’re an adult and part of the package is finding things out for yourself. With that comes a trusting that what you need arrives when you need it the most. So let’s get you settled into your new digs and a new way of thriving on your own.
1. Get control of those nagging nerves by gaining the power position of every situation. If you’re moving into a dorm, bunking with a friend or boarding with a stranger, the most important Feng Shui tip is to make yourself at home by placing your bed in the Command Position. Command Position/Power Position means to place yourself where you have a view of the door. This provides a sense of safety and sends a message that you are open to receive many fabulous opportunities. Do your best not to place your bed directly in front of the door, this will result in a restless sleep. You’ll need your energy for those parties and yes studying
Follow this Command/Power Position tip while in lectures, the cafeteria, library and parties. You will notice that your confidence grows and your attention is better focused on your purpose.
2. Hanging a collage of family and friend photos on a wall of your new digs preferably beside or across from your bed. This reminds you that you’re not alone, those who love and support you continue to cheer you on. Breathe, the growing pains will ease with time
3. Besides the bed, your desk and chair are the most important pieces of furniture in the room. If possible place your desk away from your bed and with a view of the door. This helps create an energetic divide between studying and sleeping. You’ll find you are well rested and better able to focus. If you can’t place your desk to provide you a clear view of the door, place a small mirror on your desk so that it reflects the entrance. This reduces the distractions of looking over your shoulder with every sound and passerby, therefore increasing the quality of your study time.
4. When it comes to college and university a good night’s sleep doesn’t mean getting a solid 8 hours. Those nights/days are few and far between. What is important now is not the quantity of hours but the quality of your R&R. Keep things organized, small spaces can get out-of-hand rather quickly and with deadlines and a multitude of books and papers everything is pecking at your brain like a flock of hungry sea gulls and before you know it the space is covered in… and you will have nowhere to lay your head down.
Storage is at a premium so be creative in finding savvy solutions for organizing everything.
Out-of-sight-out-of-mind is best in small spaces, but if you like things at an arm’s reach keep papers labeled, sorted in priority and stored in desk top trays.
Put your laundry away immediately, clean clothes in drawers, hangers, closets if you’re fortunate enough to have one. Keep the lid on the dirty clothes hamper, write in your daily planner a regular schedule for doing laundry, set the alarm on your i-phone, BB to remind you. Don’t get buried alive. To make sure you’ve the cash for the job place a bowl of change in the top left corner of your desk. Remember to keep it topped up; you don’t want to get caught without clean socks.
Last but not-least; when it comes to your R&R plug in all rechargeable devices as far away from your bed as possible. The wifi and emfs can keep your nero transmitters turned on and tuned in all night long making you feel burned-out.
A small desktop Peace Lily is an excellent addition to the space while mitigating some of these harmful emfs. Peace Lillie’s require little attention, a weekly watering and they happily help you out. If you notice any wilting leaves you know you haven’t been paying enough attention to nurturing yourself. Give the plant and yourself a little TLC and your world will become balanced again.
5. Make the Dean’s list by setting clear concise goals. If you’re into mind-maps pin each thought on a cork/magnet board above your desk. Remember to keep it current.
6. Achieve your goals by setting priorities, writing details (be specific), dates and desired results.
Chemistry October 15th, 100% accompanied by an affirmation such as this; “I am grateful to know everything I need to know it when I need to know it. I clearly understand all questions and answer accurately. Thank you.”
7. By investing in yourself you strengthen your immunity to stress and illness.
By calibrating your sleeping habits you cash in on your reserves.
By being organized you gain time and increase productivity.
By achieving your goals you gain the recognition of your peers, supervisors, future scouts and prospective scholarships.
By receiving honors in great distinction you secure a desired placement while getting paid beautifully for the gig.
8. Create lasting relationships by taking time out to visit with friends. By following these Feng Shui tips your pad will be the gathering place for sharing quality conversations while building strong bonds.
9. Playing your favorite music. It will clear the energy of the space, bring a smile to your face and raise your vibrations while getting you into the groove of your life!