The Feng Shui Anatomy of Plumbing
Water associated to the emotional body is the most powerful of the 5 Elements and the most important for sustaining life. Although we rely on our indoor plumbing there’s a price to pay for its convenience. The structural damage done by deficient plumbing is a costly one. Representing the bodies digestive and circulatory systems you can often easily recognize your physical systems to that of how well your homes plumbing system is functioning.
The purity of the water used for drinking and preparing food has a direct correlation to the health and vitality of your cells. A body that is hydrated with pure clean water supports a brain and memory capability, maintains a healthy level of mobility and organ function, while reducing the aging process.
Related to the intestines and the bowels plumbing pipes and drains are best maintained and clear of any clogs to reduce the risk of digestive and elimination disorders associated with a fear of personal empowerment and releasing the past of all non-beneficial emotions. The health of the bowels directly relates to the related organs and tissue as the toxins are released through the walls of the intestines.
Corresponding to the urinary tract, bladder and kidneys it’s important to repair any plumbing leaks to restore a healthy flow of filtering and eliminating toxins form the body. Calcification of pipes can indicate a urinary tract or kidney infection.
When water and plumbing problems occur it’s a message to look at what unresolved emotional fears, anger, anxiety, and shame have yet to be healed. In doing so you may find the root cause of any financial issues you may experiencing due to the loss of a job, the sudden home or vehicle repair costs, an unexpected request for a large sum of money (for taxes, a lawsuit, etc).
To avoid these emotional and financial challenges keep your plumbing working in perfect order.