Feng Shui Tiny Bathroom Redesign
I’ve complete the DIY up cycle of our builder grade small main bathroom vanity. Although all the cabinets in our home have solid maple doors they suffered from poor workmanship with the finish chipping and pealing. Perfect for a white or cream shabi chi or farmhouse style not so for the contemporary expresso cabinets these started off as. For a 6 year old home the before looked worn and less than lovely. I knew I’d be refinishing them when we moved in 2 years ago. I’m loving the look and feel of this redesign. So does my Honey and that’s what matters as this is primarily his bathroom. Now to tap into the inspiration to hang a floor to ceiling shower curtain that suits the style and feels masculine without all the feminine details…..or not!
An inexpensive piece of 2 x 10 stained with Provincial min-wax adds warmth and texture to the redesign of our main + my Honey’s bathroom.
A thrifted ironstone vase adds the earth element as does the Epson Salts, while the silk flowers the wood.
Colour and texture in thrifted, vintage treasure bring visual interest and balance to this small space.