The Feng Shui Anatomy of Electricity
If there is something that irks me the most it is that most architects, contractors, builders and city inspectors do not pay closer attention to where they “drop” install the electrical panel in a home or place of business. If more people were informed of the risks of having any of the bedrooms in their home directly above or beside the electrical panel more houses would be built in a way that is more supportive to our health and well-being and those who are in the housing industry would be place in a position to make a change or start losing the sale of these houses. I’ve been in homes where the electrical panel is in a child’s bedroom and the only free wall to place the bed was directly under the electrical panel with panel at the head of the bed. In one case the child intuitively did their best to move away from the electrical panel and night after night build a nest on the far corner of the floor away from the electrical panel. Our instincts tell us when something is amiss. Often we choose to ignore the signs until it’s too late.
The electrical panel is associated to our central nervous system that of the brain and the spinal cord. With an increase in central nervous system diseases such as MS, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Bi-Polar, brain tumors and more, it might be helpful to reduce increased exposure to high EMFS of those often found in relationship to the electrical panel. When building or purchasing a home choose a floor plan where the electrical panel is on the opposite side of the house than that of where the bedrooms are placed. This will eliminate the risk of over exposure to EMFS, Electromagnetic Frequencies.
If your bedroom is near the electrical panel and you are struggle with chronic headaches and eye problems it may be time to do a little test. For a week sleep in a room as far from the electrical panel, and any major electrical appliances to see if your symptoms disappear. If they do you may have found that the sleeping near the electrical panel is in fact contributing to your needless pain and suffering. If so it may be time to change the location of your bedroom or have your space dowsed for non-beneficial EMFS.
As the electrical panel represent the central nervous system the wiring represent the peripheral nervous system which governs mobility and organ function. The receptacles and switches are associated with neuro transmitters and receivers.
To maintain a healthy nervous system make sure that all wiring, switches and plugins are working properly. If not consult the services of an expert electrician to make any necessary maintenance and upgrades.
When our central nervous system is supported we are better equipped to stay in alignment with our higher-selves. Our intuition becomes heighten and our ability to gain clear insights becomes fine-tuned. We begin to trust in our knowingness while having faith in the moment.
May you be aligned to your Divine Blueprint of Perfect Health.