12 Feng Shui Tips to Stage a Living Room

Make a Lasting Impression

You’ve Set the Mood, now we’re going to apply a little Wow Factor!

The anticipation is building, the buyers desire to see more and you are going to deliver a viewing that they will remember. Broadway plays, television shows and movies do this well, they build sets that are eye catching and jaw dropping. You can to. Think of the sitcom “Friends”, you don’t even have to be a dedicated viewer to recognize “City Perks” nor Monica and Rachel’s apartment. Those who know every episode feel as though they’re a part of the friendly banter. This is what you are after. You want to create a living room that feels comfortable and relaxing where conversation is easy and life is fabulous.

You’ve already edited the living room of all over-sized furniture, ottomans, taken down the family photos and collectibles, the wallpaper boarder from 1982, you’ve cleaned the carpets and polished the floors. Now you are ready to create vignettes of seating for conversation, reading and yes, if there is no family room in the house, watching TV. The television can be a designing nightmare with that 52″ set; which equates to the big black vortex that consumes a room and everyone’s attention. On or off it controls the situation. The idea is to bring the focus to the footprint of the room, the mill work and the atmosphere it exudes. Edit the TV from the space. Now that the white elephant has been dealt with let’s get down to details.

12 Step Program to Editing Your Living Room For Success

  1. Create an open floor plan that provides an expanse of space. Make sure that there are no pieces of furniture blocking doorways and pathways to provide unobstructed progressive movement.
  2. We’ve discussed furniture placement, create vignettes for conversation and reading
  3. Introduce bright lighting with decorative lamps, if your shades are worn and stained purchase new ones. You will need them when you move anyway.
  4. Remove heavy dark drapes. Open blinds and or curtains to invite natural light in.
  5. Keep accent pillows and throws neatly placed on sofas and chairs.
  6. Place a low, colorful silk flower arrangement on the coffee table.
  7. Hang pictures of landscape or still life.
  8. Turn the “Scentsy” on, you want a clean fresh scent to fill the house.
  9. If you have an area rug on the floor, try angling it with one end facing the main entrance to the room. This implies a welcome invitation.
  10. A small tabletop water feature creates a sense of peace.
  11. Play some soft background music on the stereo. I’m partial to Feng Shui CD’s. Have it on CD repeat so that it continues to play during multiple viewings.
  12. Create a Viewers Log; place it on the coffee table. Thank them for their time. Ask them to take a few seconds to jot down a couple of comments. All feedback is good it lets you know what the public likes and what can be improved on. A good business person knows what their customers want and aims to please. You are in the business of selling your house; the extra effort could enlighten you to something you’ve overlooked. Or better yet, make you feel fabulous about the job you’ve done!