3 Feng Shui Secrets to Sell Your Home

Don’t send them running away.
Send them running to the Bank!

Now that you have prepared your property for sale by setting the mood for your target market, remember Emotions sell. You touch the ♥. You fill the need. You sign the deed of sale.

Feng Shui recognizes that it is OUR emotional vibration that sets the stage for OUR ability to manifest OUR intentions. That is what the base of the past blog posts were meant to do. To assist you in causing a shift that would provide you with clarity and direction. Feng Shui is very much intention based. Much like the Secret, it is no secret that where we focus our attention energy goes. So let’s implement the final stages of Feng Shui for Real Estate by adding a few transcendental remedies that will take the Sale of Your House to a Higher Level.

If anyone has ever had an interest in Feng Shui they are more than likely familiar with the terms bagua or pa kua, the energetic map that is layed over a property, building, room, desk, etc. The use of the bagua or pa kua varies depending on the school of thought applied. I will not get into a great deal of discussion about the bagua as it is a lengthy study. I will however, identify that the bagua is based on the I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes, which identifies 8 fundamental principles for life. Each aspect resonates with a specific area identified within the bagua and the alignment with in our physical environments which supports our current life situations. I will refer to certain aspects of life when recommending the following transcendental remedies.

Follow these instructions assuming your homes main entrance is parallel to the street of your current address and your front door is in alignment with one of the bottom three guas. If your home does not follow under these guidelines implement the written affirmation instructions as appropriate.

3     Trade Secrets to Get the Gig

  1. On 2 clean white sheets of paper right the $$$$,$$$.$$ amount you desire to close the Sale at in red pen. Red is a Feng Shui Colour that represents wealth and good fortune. An example of Selling affirmation could reflect the following. “I am grateful to receive a closing offer of $$$$,$$$.$$ for the Quick Sale of 369 Johnson Drive.” Place each affirmation in a red envelope and set in a place of honor in the Wealth & Prosperity Gua, Helpful People & Travel Gua, These guas are supporting guas, it is the Helpful People that will assist in introducing prospective buyers to the property and ultimately aiding in the securing of the Sale.
  2. You have already cleaned and edited the space, which is a key components in setting Feng Shui enhancements. The next step is to verbally state the written intention with each placement. This sets the frequency to activate the shift. It adds the fuel to the fire, both internally and externally.
  3. Ok, here is where some might think that it gets a little weird, but it is much like a Christening or a Blessing of a marriage or a child. Even the act of carrying the bride over the threshold, there are some traditions and old customs that hold true. So as you set your intention to sell your home, and have taken the physical steps to initiate a quick sale for an optimum price it is at this time that a space clearing sends the message out to the ethers.

What is a space clear? It is the physical and verbal act of giving thanks to your home for the many blessings it has bestowed on your life, family and friends. This can be done by lighting incents, spritzing each room with distilled water and a few drops of rose or orange essential oils. It would be the simple act of lighting a red candle and giving thanks, really no different than blowing out Birthday candles, and as you blow the candle out bless your home and its new owners.

Would it hurt to do just a simple act? Men talk to their trucks, their motor bikes. Musicians, love their guitars, woman love their hair, we swear at our computers, and traffic lights. How bad would it be if we said it a little heart felt thank you to the space that holds all your secrets, witnessed all your dreams, heard all your conversations and kept you save in our tears.

Don’t be shy. Who’s going to hear you? It will be just you saying goodbye to a place you called home.

“A direct and superficial examination of things does not always enable us to conclude that reality is identical with perception.” – Lecomte Du Nouy, Human Destiny