Here’s a Q from yesterday’s Facebook Q & A Wednesday – “where should your Bachelor’s Degree be placed in your bedroom.”

First off Congratulations on receiving your Bachelor’s Degree! That is an accomplishment to be proud of! Well done!

There’s going to be two parts to my A to this Q. That being the following;

A1. From a Feng Shui perspective the best Gua to hang ones Degree, Diplomas, Certificates, etc is in the Fame & Reputation Gua of the home. However, not everyone wants to have their scholarly awards publicly displayed. For instance our F&R Gua is in our kitchen and that is the last place that I’d want to hang the acknowledgements of all my hard word.

To me and from a Hybrid Feng Shui® the most appropriate location to hang Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates is 1st room specific and 2ndly Gua specific. Meaning it is best to hang such awards in a private home office in the Fame & Reputation Gua of that chosen room.

photo credit Carla Astnon via pinterest

(photo credit)

2. It is not recommend from a Feng Shui perspective to hang ones Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates in their bedroom unless they continue to be a student or are living in a bachelor’s suite.

The bedroom is best to be a place that is calm, soothing and relaxing to the sense. Where one can let their defences down and rest, rejuvenate and reconnect, the decor, colour, textiles and surfaces should represent the intentions of the space.

If the only room in the home you have to hang your scholastic awards then if possible it would be most beneficial to hang them in either the Fame & Reputation Gua or the  Knowledge & Self-Cultivation Gua of that room.

To identify where each of these Gua’s fall in alignment within your room lay the attached Bagua Map over the footprint of the room with the door to the room in alignment with the bottom 3 Guas. The F&R Gua will fall in the center of the wall directly across from the door. While the K&SC Gua will fall to the front left corner of the room.

Before hanging your scholastic awards in your adult bedroom remember the energetic meaning and purpose of the bedroom. Then ask yourself; “does this Degree support rest, rejuvenation and reconnecting?” If yes, it’s a go. If no then find another location that is best suited to the intentions of the space you wish to place it.

May you celebrate in your accomplishments and rejoice in integrated knowledge.
