Q & A Wednesday “My question is, since I rent a room in a person’s house, what is one Feng Shui cure to help me move into my own home? Income helps too! Thank you!”

Only one cure!  I find every question and situation a multi-level process and seldom do I have one “cure” as the dominoes stack. I have a tendency to read between the lines and although this question appears to have one focus that being the “move into my own home” the underlying influence to the answer is the final statement of “Income helps too!” So in truth I cannot in good faith only recommend “one cure” because there is more beneath the surface than what appears.

For what it’s worth here’s my insights;

I would view this situation as I would a bachelors suite. Although it may be inappropriate to Feng Shui the entire building in which you live without permission of the owner, you can Feng Shui your living quarters. In doing so you would apply the Bagua to your room, aligning the door to one of the 3 guas. Doing so helps you identify within your space the associated life aspects and will give you insights into how each is influencing your current situation.

Taking into account the initial question look at the gua’s associated to the desired outcome. From my perspective based on the information provided I have an understanding that independent living accommodations are the focused intention of the question. I can also see that finances are an important contributing factor to achieving this goal. Therefore I would focus my attention on the Helpful People & Travel Gua  which is associated to earthly and heavenly support and assistance, all which is required to set into motion and attract a safe and secure home that is affordable while meeting the physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs.

In relationship to the Helpful People & Travel gua and confirming the validity of the underlying need for financial stability in achieving the desire to “help move into my own home” it would be most beneficial  to remedy if necessary and activate the Wealth & Prosperity Gua which is associated to our basic human needs for living and thriving. Although the terms Wealth & Prosperity implies financial abundance there is more to it than that. The underlying emotional influence of this gua has to do with self-worth which is greatly influence by our upbringing and how we perceive our value.


Do we see ourselves as valuable, contributing to the greater good of the whole? Do we feel worthy of love, abundance? What do we value? What is our relationship to abundance and how do we “feel” about money, finances? All these questions come into play.

In asking these questions we move back to the partnering guas of Wealth & Prosperity to that of the Helpful People and Travel. Are we too proud and resistant to help? Are we open to accepting the assistance of others to help us achieve our desires and what are we willing to do to contributing to making them happen?

Without seeing the space, based on the information at hand and considering the above it is likely that the HP&T and W&P guas are the best places to focus our attention at this time. Opposite each other in the Bagau the two are directly connected and influence each other.

The Key

1. Let’s start where you are. Identify what you are currently grateful for. Write it down.

2. Identify your desires for “a home of my own”. Write them down. Tap into the feelings, the visuals, the sent, the touch.

What does the independence of living on your own feel like?

What does your own home look like?

What does it smell like?

What is the view from your bedroom window, the front door?

What is your desired location, type of home?

What date do you desire to begin residing in your “own home”?

What realistic financial commitment are you most comfortable to contributing to maintaining the security of living in your own home?

Now that you’ve identified your desires write an affirmation to support them. Release any judgment, fear, anxiety and doubt about how it will all come to pass. Trust that it is already in motion and that it will manifest in a way that is in your highest good and that the process will be comfortably and easy and will transpire in a timely manner.

An example of an appropriate affirmation for this application is;

“I am so very grateful to live in a beautiful home of my own that is safe and secure, in a location that is in my highest good while supporting my personal and professional desires. Thank you. So be it. Namaste”

Avoid using words like need or want as the universe will provide you with the feeling of “needing” and “wanting” which is based on your question what you already have.

The Feng Shui -DIY

What you will need.

1. Map of the city you desire to live in

2. 1 sheet of white Bristol Board

3. Craft glue

4. 1 can of gold metallic spray paint

5. 1 gold marker

6. 4 clean and empty wine or juice bottles or mason jars

7. 2 yards of red twine or ribbon

8. Real or silk flowers (choose your favourite) to fill (4 flowers – 1 for each bottle) or (12 flowers -3 for each mason jars)

Prep work – spray paint the 4 bottles or mason jars in the gold spray paint.

Why a DIY Project –

Feng Shui remedies and enhancements created by your own hand are infused with your clear intentions. The time and effort put into creating your own transcendental “cure” shows the universe your commitment to relaying your desires in way that is personal and powerful. In turn the universe responds in kind. It is through the act of creation that clarity is gained and trust is embodied.

Are there other “cures” that could get the job done? Yes, there are just as many “cures” as there are Feng Shui professionals. However, it is my belief that the “remedy” and “enhancement” is best when it is meaningful to the client. It is my hope that the following recommendation is meaningful to you.

Helpful People & Travel Gua

1. On a map identify the location in which you desire to reside, mark with a gold marker. Research the neighbourhoods, circle your top 6.

2. Lay the white Bristol Board on a clean surface and cut out a pair of angel wings as illustrated below. They don’t have to be big. You choose the size you desire.

3. Lay the white Bristol Board angel wings onto the map. With a sharp pencil trace the Bristol Board angel wings onto the map. Cut the pattern of the wings from the map. Do your best to include all of your 6 desired locations within the wing span.

4. Glue the back side of the angel wing map to the Bristol Board angel wings.  If you cannot include all 6 locations cut and paste the remaining ones onto the wings without covering the others.

5. Write your affirmation on the Bristol Board side of the angel wings with a gold marker.

6. Wrap 1.5 yards of red twine or ribbon around the centre joint of the wings, leaving enough of a loop at the top for hanging, approximately 6″.

7. Hang your now completed angel wings in the Helpful People & Travel Gua in a location that will catch your attention. (Where your attention goes your energy will flow) Recite your affirmation while hanging your angel wings. Trust the universe, all your angelic and celestial friends and family are assisting you in manifesting your desired home.

pinterest angel wings

(photo credit)

Wealth & Prosperity Gua

1. Clean and spray paint all 4 bottle or mason jars with the gold metallic spray paint.

2. On a clear white sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper write out your affirmation in red pen.

3. Role your affirmation into a tight tube. Tie closed with 9″ or red twine or ribbon. (If you are using Mason Jars you may need to fold your affirmation in half before rolling so that it will fit nicely into the jar.)

4. Slip your rolled affirmation into one of your chosen bottles and or jar reciting your affirmation while doing so.

5. For wine bottles place 1 real or silk flower in each bottle. For mason jars place 4 flowers in each jar. (If you choose to use real flowers, add enough water and keep water fresh to lengthen the life span of the flowers. Continue to replace live flowers until you have moved into your new home. Although silk flowers are not a Feng Shui #1 choice there are many beautiful silk flowers on the market now that are affordable and require less work. Either will do fine.)

6. Place all 4 bottle in your desired location within the Wealth & Prosperity Gua of your room.

 pinterest the wedding chics(photo credit)

Clarification of the symbolism

Why a map?

To aid in identifying your desired location while being open to the universes wisdom of know where and what is in your highest good.

Why Angel Wings?

Angelic and Celestial help is represented in the Helpful People & Travel Gua. Angel wings represent Heaven energy and wings represent flight. In flight we are able to rise above our perceived limitations while gaining insights into the big picture. It is through our communion with our spiritual guides that we are able to bring heaven to earth.

Why gold?

-Gold represents wealth and riches and therefore appropriate for the Wealth & Prosperity Gua.

Why Wine Bottles or Mason Jars?

-both represent the water element the supportive element for the W&P gua

-Wine Bottles symbolize a celebration and toast to life

-Mason Jars symbolize the comforts of home

Why flowers?

-flowers represent the wood element that of the W&P gua

-flowers are a symbol of life, growth, abundance, harvest and celebration bringing joy

May the universe provide you with a beautiful safe and secure come that is in your highest good and meets your personal and professional desires.
