How to Create a Lovely Vignette in a Window with a Less-then-excellent View
Do you have a window on the side of your home where the view is less-than-excellent?
I love that our home has a lot of natural light and large expansive windows. The view, however, from two of the side windows look upon the siding of both of our neighbours and it just so happens I don’t close these windows in the evening as there’s no risk of anyone looking in due to their height and the narrow expanse of the lot.
That being said I still felt it was essential to create a beautiful vignette that allowed the natural light to fill our home and to both enhance our view while holding the focus in our space. Inspired by my daughter’s DIY project for my granddaughter’s bedroom, I made a number of dream catchers from old thrifted doilies, embroidery hoops, dollar store vintage-inspired lace and a white feathers in a variety of sizes.
Hung in each window of our dining room the dream catchers give us something whimsical and beautiful to rest our eyes upon while dining instead of the hard expanse of the neighbours dark taupe siding.
I have a vision of hanging antique windows here in the future but haven’t found anything that has inspired me to take action on that DIY project yet. But that ‘s okay. The hunt for the perfect treasure is all part of the fun.