Feng Shui Lighting Tips to Light-up Your Life!

Did you know that lighting natural and man-made is one of the easiest remedies to transforming not only the look and feel of a room but your personal mood as well?

A daily ritual of opening your blinds and curtains first thing in the morning can profoundly positively raise the energy of your space while lifting your overall physical and mental health and well-being.

Decorative table top and floor lamps are excellent for creating ambiance while offering task lighting for reading + creative expressions through your favorite hobbies and intimate conversations.

Use lighting to lift the energy in tight, dark, otherwise neglected corners.

A general Feng Shui Design philosophy is to have at least 3 light sources (lamps) in a living room to maintain a healthy balanced look and feel to space. Preferably on either side of a sofa, love seat or between two chairs if possible.

So if you’re feeling blue open your blinds, curtains and turn on a lamp or two. You may find yourself feeling like a sunflower and turning to the light. You’ll be glad you did.