I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW. You’re looking at my photo and seeing all kinds of FENG SHUI NO-NO’S. The front door opens directly into the living space and oh my gosh do you see that she’s got the loveseat in front of the window! And she calls herself a Feng Shui Expert!

Yes, I do and yes I can. Why? Because I have the training and I know how to turn a perceived challenge into an enhancement, not a liability. I can feel some of you grumbling. Don’t jump to conclusions, follow me, I’ve got this covered. You’ll want to read the entire post to understand the why and how some of the perceived Feng Shui challenges you might see in this photo have been remedied and why.

Hi Darling, Come on in and let’s talk Feng Shui.

“They say” that a front entrance that opens directly into a living space is OH NO! ?? bad Feng Shui because there’s little to no protection from external influences and that the energy has no place to ground before rushing into the home. Don’t we want all those miracles from the universe to come on in and stay awhile? I know I do. How about you?

Although our entrance does open directly into our living space as our home is only 20′ wide, yes it is, because I know how I have of course remedied the situation. In purchasing this home I was not overly concerned with this design challenge;

1. I know how to remedy this design challenge and now you will to.

2. I loved everything about this open floor plan design, from the front porch to the full back wall of windows, yes they’re a Feng Shui no-no as well, but we’ll get to that next month when we talk about the dining room and kitchen.

{Remember I didn’t love the location of the powder room and the luo with a view.} It was the only thing I/we didn’t love. I did have to show my Honey why the bathroom at the front door was less-than-excellent. So, in essence, we didn’t love everything about the house, but we do now!

{HERE’S HOW I remedied the design challenge.}

Start Outside

Our full width covered front porch has been designed to be the landing space for all that lovely universal energy to settle all in before entering our home.

A welcome mat on the porch and some lovely seasonal decor items set the mood and tone for our space.


1. As mentioned in yesterday’s post I placed a 4 x 6 area rug at the front door to give everyone who enters a place to ground and settle in.

2. Removed the powder room and created a lovely front closet bench with coat hooks as shown previously. You can get my Feng Shui Foyer Handbook here for more inspiring ideas. https://fengshuibybridget.com/feng-shui-foyer-design-element-handbook/


To enhance our Career + Life Path Gua I hung a mirror to represent the water element on the narrow wall between the front door and the window.

A small chest gives ample room for a small lamp, a Beta fish bowl + {her name is Lucky}, a couple of my favorite industry books, a couple of milk glass vases with a succulent + {represent abundance} and a stem of Queen Ann Lace to represent sanctuary. https://www.teleflora.com/meaning-of-flowers/queen-annes-lace

4. You can bet that there are pages of The Living Love Manifesto filled with my heartfelt desires tucked neatly away in a trinket box nestled in the chest.

You can get your copy here. https://fengshuibybridget.com/the-living-love-manifesto-broadcasting-handbook/

Oh, don’t worry! I can hear some of you gasping that I have the loveseat in front of the window. Remember we have a front porch. There’s plenty of remedies in place from the curb to the inside of the window to make sitting on the loveseat safe and comfortable.

Although ideally I’d love a sofa table placed behind the loveseat the dimensions of our space does not lean itself to such a remedy, so instead I have a set of chairs and a lovely table with a seasonal arrangement placed on the other side of the window on the porch to create the much needed protection for the loveseat placed in front of the window.

There’s always a practical solution. You just need to ask, I’ll be happy to help.