About Bridget Saraka

Hello, Thank you for sharing space with me. I hope you have enjoyed your time here. If you have any Feng Shui + Lifestyle Questions or Comments please give me a call @ 306 249 2064 or email me at [email protected] I look forward to hearing from you. B♥
Thank you for sharing the love. B♥

Feng Shui Kitchen Talk #6

2019-10-29T03:22:47+00:00By |

Feng Shui Kitchen Talk #6

What to do with a built-in wine rack when you don’t drink or keep a stash on hand?

I thing the builder could have come up with a more universal use for this skinny spot beside the vertical pullout spice rack in our island. Perhaps a cookie sheet, roast pan, cutting board cabinet would have been more practical.

But, a girls gotta do what a […]

Feng Shui Kitchen Talk #7

2019-10-29T03:16:50+00:00By |

Feng Shui Kitchen Talk #7

How to add character to a basic builder kitchen

When upcycling my poorly manufactured kitchen, I decided to add a few architectural elements to add visual interest and make the kitchen feel high-end. As you can see in the second photo the original espresso stained finish was not applied properly and was chipping and peeling on every door and drawer. Although chippy paint and […]

Feng Shui Kitchen Talk #8

2019-10-29T03:00:23+00:00By |

Feng Shui Kitchen Talk #8

Q – ”Bridget, I noticed you have an old Teacup shelf at the end of your island. It looks really busy. I thought Feng Shui is about less is more?”

A – ”Clear You Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston” is a Feng Shui practice and one of the first steps to excellent Feng Shui. It does not mean that your home has […]

DIY Kitchen Organization & Storage Tips

2019-10-29T02:40:30+00:00By |

DIY Kitchen Organization & Storage Tips

In September I was asked to share small kitchen storage solutions, and although I’m a month late here, you go.

As you’ve seen in my kitchen series, I like to use vintage canisters for my everyday dry goods such as porage, rice, coffee, sugar and the like.

Although I love my thrifted copper lid canisters, the seal on them is not that great, so, for now, I’ve put my dry […]

A Day in My Feng Shui Design Life

2019-10-29T02:02:53+00:00By |

A Day in My Feng Shui Design Life

Feng Shui by Bridget

So I just had this conversation and thought hmmm, I might have to clarify a misconception as sometimes folks don’t see all my posts and may have missed the ones when I’ve shared that although I’m sharing my DIY weekend projects, I am very much still working with clients during the […]

A Little Classical Music Makes Your Plants Happy

2019-10-29T01:54:42+00:00By |

A Little Classical Music Makes Your Plants Happy

My mama taught us that plants did best when you played classical music so I’m gonna give these babies some happy music to help them get over the shock of being neglected for the past few months. It’s not like I’ve not watered them at all, it’s just […]

A Little Cold Coffee for Your Plants

2019-10-29T01:48:58+00:00By |

A Little Cold Coffee For You Plants

Although I remember my grandpa giving his beautiful and healthy plants cold coffee I’ve never tried it myself until this summer. Even with my shameful neglect, I think the odd time I did give them a drink of the leftover cold coffee from our French Press gave them the boost they needed.

They have inspite of […]

Bad Plant Mama

2019-10-29T02:13:58+00:00By |

Bad Plant Mama

Shame! I’ve been a bad plant mama. With all the DIY projects I’ve been up to I’ve neglected to pay attention to my sweet babies.

I am so grateful I didn’t kill any but I did let them feel neglected and weepy for a time. For years, Sunday evenings after Family Dinner has been our watering and nurturing time. But […]

DIY Kitchen Refresh

2019-10-03T03:30:33+00:00By |

DIY Kitchen Refresh


I’ve had several requests to post individual photos of my DIY kitchen remodel and quite a few questions about my thinking behind the project. As promised, I’ll be doing so over the next few days and breaking down the inspiration behind each stage as I do.

From a Feng Shui perspective, white or bone colour kitchens are considered best as they represent a sterile, […]

Bar Stool DIY Makeover

2019-09-24T13:19:31+00:00By |

Feng Shui by Bridget Bar Stool Makeover

Bar Stool DIY Makeover

It took a week but I’m in love with this DIY. I bought these stools off the Canadian version of Craig’s List for $50.00 for the pair.

Bar Stool Makover

They were too tall at bar height and a bit beat up with the cane broken on one. So I made a […]

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