Feng Shui Tips for Under the Bed Storage
Take some time today to clean under your Bed.
Have you ever considered that what’s hiding under your bed could be contributing to a restless sleep? Everything you own has a story and frequency related to it and ALL of it is talking to your subconscious mind. Taking you back to the moment you purchased the item. Reminding you of the relationship you have with the person that gave you that locket. Keeping you in a perpetual state of reliving the pages of decade old journal entries, the pages tear stained and faded.
Yes, it’s true! So if you want to achieve a good night’s sleep and heal your body, mind and spirit of old non-beneficial memories and attachments it might be time to get on down onto your hands and knees, slither under the bed on your belly if you have to and dig deep under the frame/box spring to edit the space from any and all items that keep you in any state other than one that supports how you most desire to feel. Love it or lose it baby! If you haven’t looked at something for more than 6 months the odds are that you don’t really “need” it any more.
If you need to utilize the space under the bed for extra storage here’s a couple of really economical ideas to keep your things organized and well protected.
Awesome DIY Storage Idea!
I personally really love these refurbished dresser drawers on casters. They are stylish and unique adding a touch of whimsy to your design.
Yes, you read it right. I am suggesting under the bed storage options. Yes, I know that you’ve probably read somewhere that it’s BAD Feng Shui to have anything under the bed because the energy needs to move around you when you sleep. Well, here’s my thoughts on the subject. We need to first consider the facts. Yes, it is true that it is most beneficial to have energy move about us while we are sleeping but the truth of the matter is that not everyone has enough closet space to accommodate their seasonal attire and linens. Neat and tidy storage solutions can provide an opportunity to maximize the use of space while positively influencing the flow of chi within the bedroom, therefore reducing the risk of excess items and unnecessary mind-chatter. When you surround yourself with things you love you raise your personal chi and therefore when you mindfully store items under the bed the “things” you sleep above will become a “no-thing”.