Soul Retrievals for the Living and the Discarnate

Caught between the Here and the…. here after?

As you travel across our big beautiful country you will see on the side of the road many monuments built for those who have lost their lives on the sites on which these place holders reside. The markers, wreaths, totems, alters to the lost, they’re so….thought provoking with so many meanings for so many people.

Have you ever wondered or considered what the energetics of these markers hold for those who have moved from the here and the… after, the possible implications for the survivors and family members left behind?

With good intentions family, friends, loved-ones build these place holders in an endeavor to honor, respect and never forget the individuals and the events that perpetuated their death. What I’m about to say may touch on something within you that troubles you, fires you up or speaks of something you’ve felt but never spoken. I do not speak of these things lightly. What I’ve learned on my journey through the loss of my sister in a traumatic snowmobile accident, the heart-wrenching deaths I witnessed in my 10 year career with Sask Health and the many clients who have experienced one of the most traumatic life events imaginable; the loss of a loved one is that often the site of trauma be it a motor vehicle accident, assault, abuse, rape or murder there is an energetic imprint left at the scene that becomes a tangible wall of sorrow.

Often it is not just the emotional imprint of those who have lost their life or limb at the site but the compound emotions of the family, friends and public. It is my understanding from working with those who have passed to the other side that sometimes there is an energetic attachment, fear and belief that keep those “gone from this dimension” caught in a perpetual loop between here and a peaceful transition. No, I don’t believe their state of beings is purgatory as some would say. To me and what I’ve witnessed is this emotional wall of sorrow combined with a belief system rooted in fear of trespasses, no hear-after, holds them in a place of static existence unable to move……

Among this wall of sorrow is the soul fragments of those lost, survivor’s guilt for those who either by shear “coincident, synchronicity, happen-stance, carelessness” contributed to the cause and survived the incident, the shock soul-shattering-heart-wrenching trauma from loved ones, spouses, parents, children, friends…… For each emotional, physical, psychological, spiritual trauma has the potential to cause ones soul essence to fragment into scattered shattered pieces.

It is my experience and belief that upon the event of such traumatic circumstances that a space clearing for the site be implemented to clear and bless the energetic imprint so that it does not become a magnet for like-incidences to occur. In doing so there is a paradigm shift that creates an opportunity for a series of Soul Retrievals for those who have passed on and the survivors. Sometimes the Soul Retrievals are first asked on behalf of the survivors for it is their fragments that keep those whom have passed caught between their timelines. Once healing has been initiated and the Soul Retrievals integrated those who have passed are then able to move into a state of spiritual healing and a state complete and wholeness that results in a comforted, comfortable and timely transition free of all non-beneficial attachment’s, fear and regrets.

What to keep in mind about Soul Retrievals is that it is best done after a healing of the root cause of the emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual trauma that propelled the Soul Fragments in the first place. To initiate a Soul Retrieval prior to healing the root cause will not provide a safe and sacred space for the integration and Spiritual Healing and may have non-beneficial results.

What is a Soul Retrieval?

Best practiced by a seasoned professional like my-self or a shaman a Soul Retrieval is a practice where the Practitioner through a personal protocol will work with individuals past and present through time and space to initiate healing for the sacred union between self and aspects of self that have separated or discarnate at the point of trauma. Aspects of the self are retrieved in a sequential order that is in the highest goof of the client alive or otherwise.

What is a Space Clearing and Blessing Ceremony?

Best practiced by a seasoned professional a Space Clearing and Blessing Ceremony is a ceremony performed with or without family or friends present to assist in releasing the wall of sorrow surrounding an accident site or place of abuse or trauma while restoring it to its Divine Natural Order. A Blessing Ceremony is a service created in celebration of one’s life.