Ride the High to Your Higher Power

You know that feeling during an orgasm, that mind, blowing, out of this world sky rockets in flight afternoon delight kind of feeling? That don’t stop, don’t stop, Oh God! Please don’t stop kind of feeling, where you become pure crystalline light, one with the universe and all that is. That moment when your spirit really shines in its full glory. It’s in that moment when your body, soul, spirit “come” together in pure blissful passion.

Or maybe you don’t know that feeling for your cellular memory imprint is all wrapped up in a turmoil of emotions and you’ve thrown away the key to “heavens” gates. Or perhaps you have forgotten that euphoric feeling as you’ve gotten too busy with life that you forgot to live, you’ve shackled your happiness on someone’s shadow-self. If so perhaps it’s time you get back in the groove and tap into that vibe because that my friend is where the manifesting mojo is. That my friend is the joy juice we’ve all been looking for. That feeling of pure LOVE blissful passion is the holy grail that humanity has been seeking for centuries. We’re all that is baby. The secret to world peace is at our fingertips. All we have to do is sip on the elixir of love for this is the moment when our desires meet our destiny and our purpose is filled with passion.

I’m not saying that all we need to do is get randy to tap into the creators power to manifest our deepest desires. Nor am I suggesting that we’re going to find the elixir of love at the bottom of a bottle of our favourite spirits. It’s not even about plugging into any Tom Dick and Harry to recharge your batteries. The destination shouldn’t be the driving force to getting there for you see there’s a key ingredient that is required to creating the creative chemistry just perfect. That my friend is the frequency of Love. Without it you’re just tickling the surface and you won’t manifest the staying power to achieve the high to your higher power.

Now you don’t need a partner to create this magic you simply need Love for it’s the alchemy. Self-Love is a good place to start. Without it everything else is just smoke and mirrors a mirage of something that could be and vanishes into vapours gone forever. It is through our body that the orgasm is achieved and the veil shadowing our magnificence thins with the thundering of our hearts and our cells align with our purpose. For there is a purpose for everything. We are beings of divine purpose. There are no mistakes.

I think the miracle behind the orgasm has been the biggest secret hidden from humanity particularly women. The guilt, the shame, physical mutilation, suppression, oppression, the emotional warfare, fucking with our minds, our bodies, our souls blocking our ability to self-actualize the moment when heaven and earth collide and we are one in body, soul and spirit. Our culture, our religion, even our spirituality has bastardized the sacred celebration of our omnipotence union. We’ve bought into believing that the abstinence is holy yet how can we possibly be whole if we do not fully embrace the holy trinity of body, soul and spirit, (sub-conscious, conscious and super conscious).

Our bodies are our sacred garment in which we bring consciousness into the sub-conscious matter for without our bodies we would not have the ability to fully express our “feelings” and bask in our 5 senses, experience life and the living and thriving of it. Our bodies are the home for our souls housing all our cellular memories from ever incarnation while our spirit our God self is the source which binds it all. For without the garment our spirit would not have an form to materialize and express it’s soul essence.

Think about it for a minute. How our emotions govern our feelings and our physical responses. If we are not e-moting (energy in motion) the feelings of Love then we are not magnetizing from a place of euphoric joyful bliss for we attract that which we emote. Our feelings provide the physical signs of where our frequency of love is dialed down by our static e-motions.

The words we speak become the things we seek, our emotions for the most part are largely governed by the ménage a trois conversation between our body, soul and spirits while our homes set the mood in its external expression either lifting us up or dragging us down.

Sometimes getting to know yourself is uncomfortable and where you have to peek isn’t always pretty and rather awkward but the result in knowing how you tick makes a most honest dialogue.