How to use Angel Wing Selenite to Enhance Your Feng Shui
The Living Essence of Angel Wing Selenite is the perfect gemstone to raise the frequency of any home. This beauty sits in the bay window of my living room. It’s Angelic properties not only instill a calm, peaceful state to our home it also is very powerful at maintaining that our home remains crystal clear. Placed in the center of the home this gemstone is perfect for harmonizing the space.
For best results clear your chosen piece of polished (not raw) Selenite on a bed of Dry Epson Salts for 24- 48 hours. (DO NOT SOAK YOUR Selenite IN ANY FLUID INCLUDING WATER! Selenite is a granular gemstone and will dissolve in water!) As you place your Angel Wing Selenite Gemstone on a clean bed of Dry Epson Salts say the following. “I Am Grateful for the pure, crystal clean properties of this salt, may it restore the natural Angelic properties of this Angel Wing Selenite Gemstone Now Please. Thank you. So be it. Namaste” Re-charging your Angel Wing Selenite will increase its power to assist you in manifesting your desires. To re-charge your crystal place it on a well-lit windowsill or set outside on a sunny day for a period of 24-48 hours. As you place your now cleared Angel Wing Selenite on the windowsill or in the sun say the following. “I Am Grateful for the natural Angelic properties of this Angel Wing Selenite. May it embody all of its natural Angelic properties now please. Thank you. So be it. Namaste” Programming your Angel Wing Selenite is an important step in acquiring its support in maintaining a clear, calm, peaceful home. Don’t be shy. Be clear. Be purposeful. Be passionate in your intentions and channel that passion with purpose while holding your crystal (size permitting) in a prayer position over your heart. Feel the power of your heart infuse your Angel Wing Selenite. With your eyes closed saying the following, “I Am Grateful for the gift of the Angelic properties of this Angel Wing Selenite as it generously assists me in (insert desires here. Ex. provides a clear, calm, peaceful space that nurtures our health and well-being.) now please. Thank you. So be it. Namaste” Raise the mudra (hand position) to the center of your forehead with the knuckles of your thumbs resting on your 3rd Eye Chakra. Visualize your desired outcome free of all attachments on how it will manifest in your life. With your eyes closed see your desires manifested while you say the following – “I Am Grateful for the gift of the Angelic properties of this Angel Wing Selenite as it generously assists me in (insert desires here. Ex. provides a clear, calm, peaceful space that nurtures our mind, body, spirit and home) now please. Thank you. So be it. Namaste” Place the mudra (hand position) over your mouth, the tips of your thumbs touching the bottom edge of your bottom lip. With your eyes closed say the following as you feel your breath infuse your Angel Wing Selenite your energies working together in a way that is powerful and meaning. “I Am Grateful for the gift of the Angelic properties of this Angel Wing Selenite as it generously assists me in (insert desires here. Ex. provides a clear, calm, peaceful space that nurtures our mind, body, spirit and home) now please. Thank you. So be it. Namaste” With pure intention of integrating an angelic, clear, calm peace state in your home place your new fully cleared and fully charged Angel Wing Selenite on a clean and clear flat surface in a place of honor in your home. You don’t want all your good intentions to be for not by placing it on a dusty, cluttered surface. While setting your Angel Wing Selenite in the most beneficial place of honor say the following. “I Am Grateful for the gift of the Angelic properties of this Angel Wing Selenite as it generously assists me in (insert desires here. Ex. provides a clear, calm, peaceful space that nurtures our mind, body, spirit and home) now please. Thank you. So be it. Namaste” Wishing you Many Fortunate Blessings.Clearing Your Angel Wing Selenite for Feng Shui
Clearing Manifesting Mantra
Re-charge Your Clear Angel Wing Selenite
Re-charging Manifesting Mantra
Program Your Angel Wing Selenite
Heart Invocation (Feeling) Manifesting Mantra
Spirit Invocation (Visualizing) Manifesting Mantra
Verbal Invocation (Power of the Word) Manifesting Mantra
Activate Your Home