Feng shui & The 5 Types of  Love

Bring Love Home

My personal motto is “Love Lives Here Now”, and those that know me know that I am all about the Peace, Love and Grooviness of Life. It will be no surprise that this month’s article is all about the LOVE.

What pray-tell does this have to do with Feng Shui?

For me everything Feng Shui is a perfect mirror of our inner being, our most private thoughts; it is always expressive and does so in all ways always. It is matter, it is substances, it is breath, it is a whisper, and it is present in the moment before a kiss and the sigh before dawn. Feng Shui is neither masculine, nor feminine it is the perfect existence of both. Men and woman alike seek, desire, yearn for the touch of another. The mystery of life is that we the human race crave the spark that ignites our inner flame.

We believe Love comes from external forces. We engage in internet dating, social media communities where we’re safe to create an image of who we desire to be in our online chats. We can sit in our pj’s till noon, with no makeup, and tussled hair. We can dictate what truly is on our minds, what our hopes and fears are. We can wear our hearts on the keys and believe that someone out there will feel the beauty within. The mask we wear in the world is painted to what we feel others desire to see. Feathers plumed we smile behind shadowed eyes, afraid someone will see too deep, the hurt, the lack of trust, the voice that won’t let us believe that we are great beyond belief.

As women we tend to think we’re alone in this, let me assure you I have many male clients who have the same yearnings and desires. Who are just as vulnerable as the ladies. When consulting with both men and woman who desire to move from being lonely to being in love there is an interesting parallel that touches my heart and continues to inspire my life path as a Certified Feng Shui Consultant. That is, many live in homes, condo’s and apartments that clearly mirror their isolation and inner Feng Shui personal dialogs. I also see resonance in homes of married couples where the flame is fizzled and nothing but the shared laundry and children’s toys are keeping the sheets warm. Married doesn’t necessarily mean happy. You can be just as lonely with someone who doesn’t see you as you can be with your own thoughts for company.

We surround ourselves with images, items, furniture that reflects our current relationship status. We shove our beds against the walls; sleep with our back to the door, surround ourselves with images of single woman, with their heads down, their backs to the world, silent, lonely, and yet we yearn for something more.

Married couples play tug-a-war for a corner of the sheets, with one foot on the floor teetering on the edge of the mattress, the dog and the kids snuggled in the heart of the bed. The wedding photos have been replaced with kid’s artwork, and the only thing getting any action is the games on TV. Adult toys and costumes have been locked up tighter than a chastity belt the key lost somewhere in the bottom of the closet, the mirror closet doors portraying a picture perfect image of what’s going on in their Feng Shui world and doubles the heartache of a relationship gone cold.

What is Love, this illusive feeling, with meanings so interpretive it’s hard to grasp?

♥     Agape Love is Universal Love. Namaste~ the Divine in me recognizes the Divine in you. Agape Love is Love without attachment, Love without judgement. Agapa is the essence of breath, the peace in wonderment.

♥     Phileo Love is expressed in our fondness for others, in the Love we share with family and friends. In the moment when we assist an elderly person across the street, give directions to a new face in our country. Phileo Love is the kindness in a smile and the light in your eyes. Phileo Love is a jester of kindness without seeking reward.

♥     Eros Love is the physical expression of Love, through touch, taste and smell. It is the tactile Love that is fueled by passion and runs on fumes. Eros Love is powerful and exciting, it can leave you breathless, and begging for more. It is as sweet as candy and as addictive as ecstasy. In that moment as, ”Venus blows our minds and we’re floating along the milky way, with drops of Jupiter in our hair”. We’re the closes we’ve ever been to bringing heaven home as we try and catch the tail-end of that shooting star. Wishing we can do it all over again because we’ve realized that heaven is most definitely not over rated.

Love has become a multimillion dollar industry. Songs are inspired by it, books are written about it. We lose ourselves in the dream while fantasizing about James Frazer from the Diana Gabaldon Outlander series and would give our eye teeth to play the leading lady in Twilight. Diets and fitness clubs make a mint as we strut ourselves along the catwalk hoping to be noticed.

♥     Feng Shui is a vehicle for transforming desire into destiny. Feng Shui recognizes the importance of nurturing Agape Love, it is through Agape Love we cultivate a healthy sense of self, it is through our Knowledge and Self-Cultivation that we align with our divinity and begin to listen to our higher-self. Our voice of trust, who is always loving and kind. Agape Love is neither harsh nor belittling. This is the seed of our home where we have the potential to release all things that hold our limiting beliefs about ourselves to the universe.

♥     Phileo Love is found supported in the grounding element of earth; it is represented in our family and health, and in our relationships in both our macro and micro worlds. How we view the world is reflected in how we treat our own personal space. Are we patient, and kind to ourselves? When we respect and surround ourselves with images and things we love, love finds a home.

♥     Eros Love is found in our passion for life, in the flavour we choose to express ourselves in. If we’re stuck in emotional turmoil we douse the flames of creation and lose the chance to bring heaven to earth. Feng Shui proclaims that “Love Lives Here Now” and asks what’s hiding between your mattress?

Through Feng Shui eyes, I am trained to read the signs of where dreams go to die. I can see why communications have been silenced and where the heart of the home has disappeared. As a Certified Feng Shui Consultant and Reiki Master I have the skills and knowledge to assist you in creating a home that will reflect your personal desires while releasing your current situation.