Feng Shui Foyer Design Elements


From a Feng Shui perspective the architectural front door to your home is the point of interest of where all your heartfelt desires are broadcasted and received?

Let your foyer speak of your devotion and commitment to honoring the blessings in your life and the ones waiting for your warm welcome.

This 45 page colored handbook (pdf format) offers a comprehensive step by step, budget conscious guide full of juicy Feng Shui Design Elements to help you create a powerful first impression bound to attract all your heartfelt desires.

Bridget Saraka - Foyer Handbook

Are you ready to get to put your heart into it?

The Living Love Manifesto

FREE BONUS OFFER –  The Living Love Manifesto® Handbook (79 colored pages pdf format)……

  • Introduction to aligning your heartfelt desires to your Body, Soul, Spirit, Home®
  • SAMPLE broadcasting pages
  • Broadcasting pages for your high vibe inspired desires and high vibe heartfelt emotions
  • SAMPLE Gratitude pages
  • Affirming Gratitude pages for your high vibe devotions

Additional Bonus Offer

  • Lifestyle printable broadcasting symbols