The Evolution of Time

Truth; can you define it? What truly is yours? Not the hand-me-down versions of the “truth”. But your truth?

I don’t claim to have “it” all figured out, to have “all” the answers to all life’s mysteries of incarnations and incantations. I don’t think anyone can or does. I think that there are many people who have snippets of information that realized through their own experiences the “truth of the matter” and that “truth is subject to the observer’s interpretation. That truth cannot be defined nor fully express as it morphs with each new insight gained and like water it slips through our fingers to be lost among the many. There’s no container big enough, strong enough to hold it all. Truth is based on your experience and therefore is yours and yours alone. Truth is therefore formed from our experiences and is subject to change. What was my truth in my twenties is far different in my 50’s as my experience shave change my knowingness and therefor has influenced what I perceive as truth now.

What I’ve come to understand on my journey to where I Am now, is to dance the dance heart and soul with my spirit. For it is my spirit’s unique soul vibration that is the path to manifesting the life I choose to live. I offer my manifesto to the universe and take action in mind, body, spirit, home and have faith that what is in my highest good will manifest for my highest good. To me life is about living as one with my spirit. The aspect of me that is God, God the illusive word that has so many meanings, invokes all kinds of feelings. Of which it did for me in my youth, tainted by religion, feared for the jealous vengeful God depicted in the Bible and Old Testament, the 10 Commandments.

Bible stories read to me when I was a little girl shadowing my childlike joy. My evening prayer “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep”, keeping me awake for fear of dying in my sleep. Should I die before I wake…what would happen to me then? The me that had these feelings, these thoughts. The me that is beyond my body, my home, this world. Then what?

I was terrified of dying. Reciting this nightly childhood ritual did nothing to comfort those fears but intensified them.

How could my little self-have known about death and dying? How could my little self-know such depth of fear? What was fear? How at such a young age did I know these things? I had no experiential knowledge or framework of reference from this lifetime. This fear was ingrained into every single cell of my being.

But how could that be?

I have a theory.

“The kingdom of God is within you”
– Jesus 2 Kings 5:1-14 – King James Bible

If this is so then to assume the manifesting of our lives comes from outside of ourselves is misleading and dis-empowering. If the kingdom of God truly is within us then we already have the power and the glory to create our lives as we envision it. In doing so is it not wise then to create a sacred place in which to bring heaven to earth? Create a place to honour the God within and of our beings? Create a sacred place to lay down our defenses and worship our body, soul, spirit and home? Create a sacred space to love and be loved. The most sacred express of God found in love making. Where in the moment of pure orgasmic bliss the veil between our separation is gone for a single heartbeat. We remember. Home our temple. Our sanctuary. Our shelter.