Why Burning Your Outdated Journals Could Save Your Soul

I’m big on journaling future dreams and desires. I’m also big on burning them a year after they’ve been written for I’m intent on moving from the past.

I’m not so big on journaling the pain and suffering I’ve experienced on my journey to healing, love, lost, regrets and remorse. I sure as heck am not big on keeping such tear stained pages of woes and woos stored within the walls of the sacred space in which I create my now.

Why would I want my now to be walled in by my past? Sure we can learn through the reflection of the pages should we choose to keep the bound letters written in heartache beneath our mattress, bedside table, attic, “hopeless chest” anchoring our nightmares and karmic debts to the foot of our beds. But the only point of doing so is if we actually re-read the emotional chatter, of which most of us don’t and truly gain insights into the suffering of our own making.

Do we really need the inked tattooed pages to mark our journeys through the dark night of the souls? Our cells hold the imprints of every initiation. The clarity gained from such marred perceptions is in-authentic and tainted by the vibration in which the tale was spun. Sure some insights could be found, should you crack the spine open to review the depiction painted in judgement of the times. Yes, you may even celebrate in how far you have evolved through your fall from grace.

But, for how many years will those emotionally triggered, volumes of your past keep you tethered to a story that no-longer serves your evolution? Everything in your space is influencing your energetic bodies. It can be dang hard to move beyond your past when you’re literally sleeping with it for decades upon decades.

It’s done. It’s gone. Anything you need to remember is better reflected upon from a place of clear perspective.

I know that much of what I’m saying is different from many who say holding onto journals can be very helpful. I happen to disagree. Here’s why…..

When we journal the woes and the woos it’s usually done when we are in an emotionally triggered state. Such emotional triggered states strongly influence the energy of the people, places and thinks around us and those that are the object of our tormented focused attention. In our passion to exorcise our pain and suffering we send out into the universe all kinds of less-than-excellent vibes that become the psychic cords and non-beneficial attachments we try to rid ourselves of, while laying blame that we’re under psychic attack by the person/persons depicted as the antagonist in our journal of painful journeys. In turn we’ve created the psychic cords we fight desperately to rid ourselves of. The web we find ourselves in is of our own making.

A dear friend of mine who was very prolific in journaling every aspect of her life, from her deepest emotional triggers, works of studying the life and times of the school of enlightenment, client case histories and the strange and bazaar happenings in vision questing and journeys into the underworld. Every sentence of every page I’m sure has its very own skillfully skewed, nail-biting cliff-hanger. The challenge with such in-depth volumes of “A white woman’s shamanic journey” is what happens to the journals when you’ve transcended this plane of existence. Unless you will, (as in last will and testament), the not-so miniseries to someone of whom you trust will not take offense to how you depicted them in your version of your story; what is to come next? For them? For you?

What is “the one” left behind to do with your esoteric meme’s? Sure you could trust that your sacred words will remain sacred, but…..what if those of whom you left behind go searching for a deeper understanding of you and find that you’ve written some heartbreaking, disparaging words about them when you were in a moment of un-clarity of both your roles in your karmic contracts. Sure you may be on the other side of the veil with a deep appreciation for the perceived “at the time” heartlessness of a particular chapter in your then life. But the individual “left behind” is now reading your woes and your woos out of context while in an emotional black hole of despair left in your wake. In their grief they are now hurt and confused as to what they really meant to you when you were physical. The matter you left behind for someone else to clean up matters and as long as it’s in print it continues to create drama for your karma, no matter the timeline and form in which you now travel.

Do you really want to leave a legacy such as the hurt now healed “for you” behind, while causing undue trauma to the “loved one” left behind?

I am sure there is a chapter in the April 2000 volume, depicting our first meeting and the journey before my arrival at her front door. I am sure there are passages written that she did not share with me of her journey to the underworld and that’s ok. I know there’s an entire journal written about the night we stayed on the mountain during the May 2000 planetary alignment and how I disappeared before her eyes while laying my body down on what appeared to be an ET hieroglyph on the top of the mountain. These are just some of the chapters I’ve been in and I am sure there are more, much more for we got into a lot of interesting woo-woo journeys together. I have no secrets. But I can’t help wonder how all the other characters that played a role in her journey until her departure would feel if they read her perception of their relationships and how they influenced her evolution. Would there be un-due pain and suffering? For when you are in it, ink to paper. The pain clouds the clarity.

In her legacy, is there karma for her now to carry forward where there had been good dharma? From her place on the other side of the veil would she have burned the past to make good dharma for her future self and heal the karmic contracts with those of her soul group? I believe as I’m writing this she would. I feel she’s with me now. Assuring me that the ashes of the past would better serve the future evolution for all soul mates.

So my Feng Shui tip of the day is to burn those outdated journals. The past is the past. You don’t need the pages written in emotional turmoil to offer insights to your spiritual evolution. You have the cellular memory for that. Don’t let the words written in haste burn you’re hereafter. Let the flames transform your suffering and the ashes free those from the psychic cords you  bound to contracts no outdated. Transcend and transform beyond the words written in pain and a skewed perception, the emotional moments, for they no-longer serve the highest good of all. Let the wind carry your love and the tears you shed in the burning of your past cleans your evolving spirit for your soul need not carry the memories that no-longer serve your divine purpose.

Let them burn……