Can You Live With the Cost of Your Honesty
Often we think we are being honest in our personal and interpersonal communications, but should we give deep consideration to the underlying motivation behind our interactions, we might be surprised to realize that much of what we convey in words is not mirrored in our actions. Most often our actions speak the truth that our words do not.
So often we get caught up in our own agenda, shying away from speaking honestly for fear of how what we truly want to say will be received. We’ll skirt the issues deepest to our spirits desires, by telling “little white-truths’” for the sake of someone else’s feelings while shunning that which we most desire to experience in our lives.
Honesty is not something to shy away from. Being honest doesn’t mean you “have” to be unkind to others in order to be honest. Being honest doesn’t mean you always “have” to speak that which is on your mind. Much of what is on your mind often isn’t from your mind, but the collective mind of others and rooted in fear. Which is best not shared.
A friend caused a shit storm of trouble for herself when she shared something that would have been better not addressed. Her need to be “right” gave her an excuse to be what she said was “honest” when what was said didn’t need to be said at all.
In all “honesty” when we got to the root of the situation. The only honesty that needed to be addressed was her need to be “right”, which under the layers was her feeling of “not being valued and accepted.” In the end, the only honesty she needed was to acknowledge her own needs for being valued and accepted, without the need to share what she “perceived” was honesty with the other person. Disguised as “honesty”, she projected her feelings onto the other person which was not honest at all!
Although being honest with others is important to cultivating strong, healthy relationships. To avoid having to clean up a tone of Karma it is sometimes best to keep your thoughts to yourself. Choose kindness over the need to be honest. For your honesty is often buried under a shit storm of excuses. Be honest about your honesty and dig deep into your motivation before sharing in your need to be honest.
Always be honest with yourself first and for most. Check, double check, triple check to see if you’re being honest with yourself and whether or not your, motivation, words and actions are aligned.
When invoking “I Am Honest” your cells begin to heal that which is not in alignment with the “untruths” that no-longer serve your highest good. Your body will respond in a manner that will help you strengthen your discernment of what is in alignment with your life path.
For me being honest with myself is vitally important. The last thing I want is to be feeding myself a line of B.S. Blind to Spirit scraps of “untruths” that keep me feeling frustrated and unsatisfied while increasing my karmic debt. More importantly I never want my perception of my “own honesty” to cause anyone pain and suffering.
Honesty is the key to living in integrity.
“I Am Honest”.